1. Jordan


    Do you guys do the crop circle or is it still unknown, great paragraphs by the way very powerful.

  2. Sarah Bancroft


    Thank you for hosting today. It was fabulous.
    Really relaxed to the sound of the gongs.
    The yoga teacher was awesome and the food was delicious.
    Also met some wonderful like minded people.
    The outdoor setting really really was quite stunning and the vibe and the energy really helped me to unwind.

    • Reply

      Thanks for coming to our Summer Sundowner Retreat, Sarah, and for helping to co-create a very special energy. It was lovely to meet you and so pleased it enriched you. Co-operation, teamwork and intention, where the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts 🙏

  3. Paul A Webb


    It was lovely to meet you today, and I love your website! I never thought that I would meet a spiritual farmer in Jersey who gave a damn about the environment, so I am amazed and gratified by your will and desire to make positive efforts! Keep up your spirit and I have put aside a copy of my book for you.

    • Reply

      Thank you so much for your kind words Paul and for understanding the intentions behind my guardianship of this family land. I hope more local residents will begin to appreciate the importance of restoring our soils, hedges and biodiversity, and safeguarding our trees. With the recent flooding after a summer of drought shining an urgent spotlight, there has never been a more crucial time to restore these ecosystems which support us, and to recognise our reliance on them – in so many ways. I very much look forward to reading your book 😊

  4. Paul A Webb


    Greetings Nikki! Just to let you know that my phone has died on me, so this is the only way I could contact you, sorry! Only thing still working is FB messenger.

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